Zee Media Bureau


Check out some herbal discoveries of 2015 and how these ingredients can play a major role in combating serious diseases

Turmeric may help treat oral cancers

The humble turmeric - a familiar yellow spice common in Indian cooking - may help treat oral cancers caused by a virus, researchers, including one of Indian-origin, claim.

One of the herb's key active ingredients - an antioxidant called curcumin - appears to have a quelling effect on the activity of human papillomavirus.

To read full story, click here: Turmeric may help treat oral cancers: Study

Cranberries daily can fight off colon cancer

Just a daily cup-full of the cranberry super fruit can also combat colon cancer. To reach this conclusion, researchers fed cranberry extracts to mice with colon cancer and found that their tumours diminished in size and number.

To read full story, click here: A cup of cranberries daily can fight off colon cancer too

Avocados may help beat deadly leukemia

Adding to the benefits of avocados, scientists found that the nutritious fruit may hold the key to beating deadly leukemia.

To read full story, click here: 'Nutritious' avocados may help beat deadly leukemia

Herbal tea that fights malaria

A new study has revealed about the journey of the antimalarial tea from herbal remedy to licensed phytomedicine.

To read full story, click here: Now, herbal tea that fights malaria