By Sanat Chakraborty
Every year, for over half-a-decade, when the entire country celebrates the Independence Day, the people of India's northeastern states are made to observe the glorious moment as the day of subjugation. A string of militant groups in these States calls a bandh on the Independence Day, asking people to boycott the event. And people seem to oblige. That's one picture you get about the kaleidoscopic Northeast. But then, this is also one area where people come out in much higher number than the national average to vote in any elections! This suggests people's unflinching faith in India's secular, democratic process. It is not yet all perfect, full proof system, but this provides the basis for relationship among the political units of Indian Union. This is, I think, India's greatest asset.

However, India has two colossal problems: corruption and poverty -- a national shame and character, with which Indians are generally known in the comity of world Nations. These are the two monsters, which have overshadowed and undermined our inner vitality; and therefore, they pose a serious threat to India - a great rainbow of a nation. We, as collective of Indian citizens, have not yet been able to deal with them.

The author does social work in remote areas of North East and also started Vikas Kebang with Sanjoy Ghosh in Majuli riverine island