Bhopal: A prayer meeting was held at the Barkatullah Bhavan here on Saturday to pay respect to the people who had lost their lives due to poisonous gas leak in the Union Carbide factory 32 years ago.


A protest was held by the organisations working for the welfare of victims of the tragedy to highlight the alleged apathy of the successive governments to provide help to the survivors.

Later in the day, Bhopal Gas Victim Women Industry Organisation will hold a Take Pledge rally at the Yaadgar-e-Shahjahani Park here to administer oath to people to continue fighting for the rights of the Bhopal gas tragedy victims.

On December 2-3 night in 1984, several thousands were exposed to methyl isocynate gas and other chemicals in the city of Bhopal after a gas leaked tragedy occured in Union Carbide factory.

Bhopal gas tragedy is being considered as the world's worst industrial disaster where the death toll had risen to 3,7890 while adversely affecting health of lakhs of others who continue to suffer ill-health.