New Delhi: Although the Central government has allowed the traditional 'Jallikattu' during Tamil Nadu's Ponga festival, a video released by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) provide enough reasons on why this bull taming sport should remain banned. 


In the clipping, PETA India has shown the cruelties done to the bulls before 'Jallikattu' begins. Terrified bulls are often deliberately disoriented through substances like alcohol. The tails of the poor animal are being twisted and bitten by the participants to agitate them.

This is not the end of the atrocities, at times - as shown in the video - the bulls are stabbed and jabbed by sickles, spears, knives or sticks; are punched, jumped on and dragged to the ground.

Watch the video released by 'officialPETAIndia' here: