New Delhi: Protesting ex-servicemen demanding complete implementation of 'One Rank One Pension' on Friday suspended their agitation, according to report. 


The 320-day-old agitation at Jantar Mantar was suspended today evening. 

Major General (retd) Satbir Singh confirmed the news and told ANI, "Our agitation will continue,only activities will be changed a bit. We will hold rallies, especially at places where elections are taking place. For now, we have decided to give a temporary 'pause' to relay hunger strike for some days."

Singh added further and said, "We want our demands to be fulfilled. If things don't go in that direction, we'll intensify our agitation."

Government had in September last year announced the scheme for determining pensions of armed forces veterans. Ex-servicemen had launched a major stir in June to press for OROP but a section of protesters were not satisfied with the scheme and continued their agitation.