New Delhi: Stung by CBI raids, furious Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday described Prime Minister Narendra Modi as "a coward and a psychopath". The CBI, however, said it did not raid Kejriwal's office but that of his secretary Rajendra Kumar.


Here is everything Arvind Kejriwal said in connection with the CBI raids:-

- "When Modi could not handle me politically, he resorts to this cowardice."

- "Modi is a coward and a psycopath."

- "CBI lying. My own office raided. Files of CM office are being looked into. Let Modi say which file he wants?"

- "My office files are being looked into in the name of raid on Rajendra (Principal Secretary)."

- "I am the only CM who dismissed, on my own, a minister n a senior officer on charges of corruption and handed their cases to CBI(1/2)."

- "If CBI had any evidence against Rajender, why didn't they share it wid me? I wud hv acted against him(2/2)."

- "FM lied in Parliament. My own office files are being looked into to get some evidence against me. Rajender is an excuse." 

-  "Mamata Di. This is undeclared emergency."

- "My question -had Rajender not been my secretary, then wud he have been raided? No. Then who is the target- Rajender or me?"

ALSO READ:  Who is Delhi Principal Secretary Rajendra Kumar?

ALSO READ: Arvind Kejriwal calls CBI raids an act of 'cowardice', says Modi is 'psychopath'