New Delhi: You will be surprised to know that at least 20 Hindu Gods are regularly worshipped in Japan.


Even deities forgotten in India are worshipped in Japan, according to a TOI report.

Also, there are hundreds of shrines to goddess Saraswati alone in Japan. In addition to this, Japan has innumerable representations of Lakshmi, Indra, Brahma, Ganesha, Garuda and others.

Moreover, the 6th century Siddham script has disappeared from India, however, it is preserved in Japan. In Japan's Koyasan, there is a school where Sanskrit is taught in Siddham.

An exhibition of rare photos at the Indian Museum in Japan and research work by  art-historian Benoy Behl's photographs is set to throw light on the importance of Indian heritage in Japan.

The exhibition will also explain India's relationship with Japan.