Rohtak: As locals continue to protest in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir against the rigged July 21 election, Yoga guru Baba Ramdev has appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to launch a campaign to free PoK.


"Prime Minister Modi should begin a campaign to free PoK. Nawaz Sharif has the nerve to say that Pakistan will take Kashmir at any cost. Our children look at Kashmir only on the maps but Pakistan has captured it. When a cowardly nation captures a part of a great nation, we can`t just sit silently," Ramdev said.

The yoga guru's comment comes at a time when locals in PoK are hitting the streets to protest against the recently held polls, which saw Nawaz Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) winning 32 out of 41 seats.

Angry over rigged elections in the PoK region, locals burnt Pakistani flag in Neelum Valley area. Reports said that the protesters later faced police action.

Election posters were blackened in Neelam Valley by people agitated over rigged PoK polls.

Huge protests were witnessed in Muzaffarabad, Kotli, Chinari and Mirpur, after the members of the PML(N) killed a supporter of the Muslim Conference (MC) in Muzaffarabad.

The protesters maintained that they were not allowed to cast their votes, and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency and others rigged the polls in favour of Sharif's PML(N).

The disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir was split between India and Pakistan in 1948, after they fought a brief war over it. It remains at the heart of animosity between the nuclear-armed neighbours.

Earlier, describing Kashmir as "unfinished agenda" of the United Nations, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif vowed to raise the issue at every international platform and provide all sort of support to Kashmiris.

Sharif had also praised slain Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Wani Wani and called him a `martyr`, accusing India of human rights violations in the valley.