New Delhi: Union minister Jitendra Singh on Tuesday took on Rahul Gandhi for calling the National Herald case a "political vendetta", saying his remarks amounted to "contempt" of court as it questions the independence and capability of the judiciary to make decisions.


"It is a not political vendetta but political sacrilege. People who have ruled this country for 50-60 years are now questioning the ability of the judiciary to take decisions.

"People are now thinking that this is what the Congress did in its rule -- using the judiciary for their own need," Singh told reporters outside Parliament.

He said the BJP government has not interfered in any Constitutional body and has also made sure that the independence of is judiciary intact.

The Minister said Rahul's remarks amounted to contempt of Court.

"Judiciary should take cognisance of it. This is questioning the credibility and independence of the judiciary. People are thinking that this is what they have been doing all this while as Congress feels judiciary can be used. This is their subconscious mind speaking," he said.

Singh said that the matter is not a political case but a criminal one in which "money has been swindled, theft has taken place".

He said that the National Herald case should be dealt like any other criminal case.

Delhi High Court yesterday rejected the pleas of Rahul and Sonia Gandhi for quashing the summons against them in the National Herald case.

However, today, they were directed to appear in person on December 19 by a Delhi court which allowed their plea seeking exemption from personal appearance for the day in the National Herald case.