Islamabad: Amid uproar in India over Dawood Ibrahim's whereabouts, Pakistan Foreign Office on Tuesday categorically denied the underworld don's presence on its land and blasted UN's report, that confirmed six addresses, frequented by him - all in Karachi.  


"UN report is motivated by India's aim to malign Pakistan and undermine our effort to curb terrorism," the Islamabad said. 

Virtually endorsing India's consistent stand that Dawood Ibrahim is based in Pakistan, the United Nations has confirmed six addresses frequented by the international terrorist in the South Asian country. 

India, in a dossier, had cited nine addresses in Pakistan as those of Dawood. The UN Security Council's ISIL and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee has removed three addresses, finding those incorrect.

The Committee, which amended its entry yesterday concerning Dawood, a UN-designated terrorist, made no changes with regard to six addresses provided by India.

Islamabad has all along denied Dawood's presence in Pakistan.

Under other information, the powerful UN organ said his father's name is Sheikh Ibrahim Ali Kaskar, mother's name is Amina Bi and wife's name is Mehjabeen Shaikh. 

The UN Security Council has also spelt out at least 14 latest aliases used by the wanted underworld don.

The listing of the Committee also includes information about Dawood's various passports, including those issued in Pakistan.