New Delhi: Embarrassed over a fake photo it tweeted, the state-run Press Information Bureau (PIB) on Thursday was forced to delete the tweet – a photoshopped image showing PM Narendra Modi making an aerial survey of flood-hit Chennai – when a twitterati questioned its logic after spotting the blunder.


The photoshopped image showed PM Modi looking through a circular window of a chopper at rooftops and submerged streets with remarkable clarity. However, the image stood in stark contrast with another photo PIB had twitted of the PM, which showed him looking at a hazy exterior of the submerged parts of the city.

After the goof-up caught the attention of the twitteratis, PIB deleted the tweet but offered no explanation. The photos have since gone viral on social media.

On Thursday, PM Modi announced a relief package of Rs1,000 crore for Tamil Nadu after touring the flood-affected areas of the state.

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