New Delhi: Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar on Friday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Russia earlier this week has had nothing new to offer, and nothing to criticise or appreciate.


"This has been happening for years, the Prime Minister of Russia comes here and the next year our Prime Minister goes there. So, there is nothing new in this. I don't think so there is anything for us to criticise or appreciate on what happened in Moscow," Aiyar told ANI here.

"The truth is that though our relationship is fine with Russia now, but it is decreasing with time. The relationship that we had with them during Nehru or Rajeev's time is no longer there," he added.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday visited EMERCOM -the National Crisis Management Centre (NCMC) in Moscow, a state of the art crisis management facility in Russia, where he was briefed about the actual functioning and real-time monitoring operations of the Centre.

He was informed in detail about the coordination among various disaster-relief agencies, which is done by this Centre. The space monitoring and 3D modelling capabilities were also explained.