Muzaffarabad: United Jihad Council (UJC) chairman Sayeed Salahudeen has said that talks will not provide solution to the Kashmir dispute and urged the Pakistani military to support the Mujahideen in its cause."The festering (Kashmir) issue is not going to resolve through talks or resolutions.


Pakistan should militarily support Kashmiris by providing resources to the Mujahideen", the Dawn quoted Salahudeen as saying at a press conference.

"If the Mujahideen get military support, not only Kashmir will clinch freedom but the map of the subcontinent will also undergo a change," he said.He, however, declined to elaborate the kind of military support required by the cadres.

"India invaded and occupied Kashmir at the strength of its military might and military occupation can hardly be brought to end through politics or diplomacy," he said."When the world is paying no heed to us, the only option left with us is the armed struggle," Salahudeen said alleging that the Indian Government had also resorted to economic terrorism in Kashmir in a bid to pressure Kashmiris into surrendering their legitimate struggle.

He also alleged that the Indian intelligence agencies and their "touts" were trying to create disunity among the Hurriyat leadership as well as the Kashmiri public.

He was of the view that the base camp of the freedom movement - a reference to Pakistani side of Kashmir - should not only send a strong message of solidarity across the divide but also adopt a forceful, rather aggressive, role in this regard.Salahudeen asked the police on the Indian side of Kashmir to stand by the unarmed public instead of being in the vanguard of the Indian Army or face the wrath of Kashmiri people.

"The governments in Islamabad and Muzaffarabad should also raise the problems of Jammu-based Muslims at national and international forums," he said.In India, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen is a designated terrorist outfit and Salahudeen is National Investigation Agency`s (NIA) most wanted terrorist.