New Delhi: Senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh on Friday said, why the Centre and Maharashtra government are shying away from registering a case against Zakir Naik, if the Islamist preacher had said something which violates the law.


Singh's statement comes after Naik today rejected allegations that his sermons "inspired" terror activity and that his statements were "doctored and tampered out of context".

The Congress leader took to Twitter to question the Bharatiya Janata Party-led governments at the Centre and the state.

He wrote: "If Dr Zakir Naik has said something which violates the Law of Land why is GOI and Govt of Maharashtra shying to register case against him?"

The controversial Islamic preacher claimed he never encouraged anyone to kill innocents and said he will co-operate with any probe agency if it approaches him.

"I have been preaching for 25 years and I have always condemned terror attacks, suicide bombings since in this innocent people are killed and it is 'anti-Islam'," the Mumbai-based preacher said, addressing the media via Skype from Saudi Arabia, where he currently is.