Hyderabad: As Britain voted to leave the European Union, US Ambassador to India Richard Verma today said it (the decision) was a democratic process and one has to now see the implementation part.


"It is a democratic process and we now have to see how the implementation rolls out in the weeks and months to come. This is something for the people of Great Britain to judge now how best to take this forward," Verma said on the sidelines of 'The Future is Now: From COP21 to Reality' conference.

In a landmark referendum, the UK has voted to leave the European Union after 43 years as the 'Brexit' camp today took a seemingly unassailable lead over the 'Remain' camp in a down-to-wire referendum with far-reaching implications for the world.

British Prime Minister David Cameron today announced his resignation in the wake of defeat in the crucial referendum after Britain voted to leave EU in a deadly blow to the 28-nation bloc that triggered a panic reaction in world markets and raised questions about immigration and other issues in the UK after the divorce.

Meanwhile, on China's reported non-cooperation to India's entry into Nuclear Suppliers Group, Verma said India has a strong case for membership and USA always supported it.

China today continued to vehemently oppose India's membership of NSG.

Wang Qun, Director General of China's Department of Arms Control, told reporters that there was no consensus on the NSG membership of non-NPT countries like India.