New Delhi: Certainly, this news is not going to make any true Indian happy! 


With no improvement in its happiness quotient, India stands at 118th number out of 156 countries in a global list of the happiest nations.

With 118 rank, India comes behind Pakistan (92nd rank).

India had ranked 111th in 2013. 

Down one slot from last year on the index, India comes behind China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 

Denmark takes the top spot as the happiest country in the world, displacing Switzerland, according to The World Happiness Report 2016, published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global initiative for the United Nations. 

India comes below nations like Somalia (76), China (83), Pakistan (92), Iran (105), Palestinian Territories (108) and Bangladesh (110). 

The report, released in advance of UN World Happiness Day on March 20, for the first time gives a special role to the measurement and consequences of inequality in the distribution of well-being among countries and regions. 

Previous reports have argued that happiness provides a better indicator of human welfare than do income, poverty, education, health and good government measured separately but now they also point out that the inequality of well-being provides a broader measure of inequality. 

"People are happier living in societies where there is less inequality of happiness. They also find that happiness inequality has increased significantly (comparing 2012-2015 to 2005-2011) in most countries, in almost all global regions, and for the population of the world as a whole," the report said.