Pune; Calling the 21th century as India's "moment of destiny" to become the world leader, BJP's national general secretary Ram Madhav today said the world, standing at the crossroads and not knowing where to head, was looking at us with hope.


"By end of the 20th century, all the systems such as communism, democracy failed in the world and now the entire world is standing at the crossroads and India is the one nation, which is on the verge of becoming a global leader, is ready to guide the rest of the world with ability, intellect, society and the leadership qualities," said Madhav, speaking on 'India: Towards Global Leadership'.

He was giving Rambhau Mhalgi Memorial Lecture, organised by Pune Marathi Granthalaya here.

India is not only a nation of the youth but full of youthful intellects and this will lead the country to become the global leader, he said.

"For last 50 years, there were restrictions on ideas, restrictions on dreams, but now our moment of destiny has arrived and we are getting immense respect at the global level," Madhav said, while stressing that the country has nevertheless to work on the basics and fundamental issues too.