New Delhi: 'Yagya' helps protect the environment and increases the possibility of rains, according to BJP member Virendra Singh.


Making these remarks in the Lok Sabha, he argued that 'Yagya' has both spiritual as well as scientific basis.

Singh, while speaking on resumed discussion on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), recalled that he had made the suggestion for performing yagyas during the drought season.

"I requested you to perform Yagya. It will bring rains and protect the environment," said the member from Badhoi in Uttar Pradesh.

He said it has been "scientifically-established" that burning of ghee produces 300 per cent oxyge.

It is a well known fact that two molecules of hydrogen in combination with one molecule of oxygen creates water, he said.

As part of the Yagya, only agriculture produce are offered to fire, he said adding it increases the possibility of rain.

He further said development should be sustainable and not at the cost of excessive exploitation of the nature.

"Development should be India-centric and must focus on 6.5 lakh villages," Singh said, adding the nation needs to formulate its own definition of development and not ape what is followed by the western nation.

Referring to the work being done by the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said "only a person with a chest of 56 inches can lead India to the path of development."

The UN has ushered in the ambitious 2030 Sustainable Development Goals with an aim of ending poverty, hunger and assure gender equally while building a life of dignity for all over the next 15 years. SDG includes 17 goals and 169 targets.

Abhijit Mukherjee (Congress) said population is the greatest problem in India. He wanted health to be made a Constitutional Right.

P D Rai (SDF) said technology plays an important role in the development of the nation and helps us in many ways.

"If you look at the communication technology over time it has helped us to be omnipresent," he added.