New Delhi: Hindu Sena leader Vishnu Gupta, arrested on Wednesday for filing a false complaint that beef was served at the Kerala House in the national capital, was on Thursday sent to judicial custody for four days.


31-year-old Gupta was on Wednesday arrested under Section 107 (abetment) and 151 (knowingly joining assembly of five or more persons after it has been commanded to disperse) of the IPC.

The Kerala government has threatened legal action if the Centre does not admit that the "raid" by police at the state-run guest house in the national capital on Monday on a complaint by Gupta was a "mistake".

Maintaining that the Delhi police action on Monday has affected Centre-State relations, the Kerala Cabinet at its meeting yesterday discussed the matter and decided to take legal course if the Centre also stuck to the explanation given by Delhi police that "they only did their duty and carried out an inspection in accordance with law", as per PTI.

Also Read: Oommen Chandy thanks Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi CM assures action

"The raid conducted without the permission of state officials at the state-run official guest house crossed all limits of propriety, violated law and also affected Centre-State relations," Chief Minister Oommen Chandy told reporters after the meeting in Thiruvananthapuram.

Meanwhile, at a time when the word 'beef' has polarised public opinion and politicians have utilised every opportunity to use the divide for political gains, the Kerala House in Delhi has shown the way.

Also Read: Delhi Police deny beef raid at Kerala House, Bassi says nothing illegal done 

'Beef' was off the menu at the Kerala House canteen ever since a controversy broke out over an 'raid' by Delhi Police over alleged sale of cow meat.

Also Read: Beef is the hottest political curry, Kerala MPs join the feast 

The item is back on the handwritten menu but as 'meat', the word 'beef' has been dropped.

The new menu mentions meat curry and meat fry with 'buffalo' written in brackets.