Bangalore: A ruling Congress MLA, who is facing a criminal case for allegedly assaulting two constables at a bar here, on Monday appeared before Central Crime Branch (CCB) to join the probe into the incident. "As you are aware CCB had called me. Accordingly, I have appeared before them and cooperated in the probe by answering their questions," Vijayanand Kashappanavar told reporters here after his questioning. Kashappanavar, who had surfaced yesterday after he was reported "absconding" for several days with the police claiming, they were unaware of his whereabouts, said "They have questioned me for about four hours; I have answered their questions." "I have requested them to get me justice by conducting an impartial investigation; I have full faith in judicial system and I`m confident of getting justice," he added. Kashappanavar and six of his supporters have been slapped with criminal cases for allegedly attacking two police constables at a high-profile bar in Bangalore on July 2, when they objected to their party continuing past midnight. The issue figured in the Assembly today with BJP members staging a walkout voicing their dissatisfaction over Home Minister K J George`s reply on the matter. George said the probe had been handed over to CCB and it was being held without any political interference. Intervening, Shettar said BJP is not satisfied with the Home Minister`s reply and led a walkout saying that George has failed to handle the issue properly.