New Delhi: BJP on Friday said it has launched a website to invite feedback from people on issues that should be incorporated in its manifesto for 2014 Lok Sabha polls but insisted that Ram temple, scrapping special status to Jammu and Kashmir and a Uniform Civil Code were "non-negotiable".
BJP`s Manifesto Committee head Murli Manohar Joshi told reporters that the party has posted key issues on the website - - and invites suggestions from people on these issues as well as other subjects which they may wish to flag.
The 2009 election manifesto - which was also prepared by a team headed by Joshi - forms the basis for the new manifesto. Joshi said issues on which there is a groundswell of support on the website may be included in the manifesto.
However, Joshi clarified that some issues are "non-negotiable" for the party and cannot be removed from the manifesto, whatever may be the feedback.
Enumerating them, the senior leader said, building a grand Ram temple at Ayodhya, scrapping Article 370 which gives special status to Jammu and Kashmir, imposing a Uniform Civil Code, cow protection, Ram Sethu, cleaning of the Ganga are dear to the party and there will no compromise on them.
Nor is the issue of changing the Prime Ministerial candidate. In reply to a question, Joshi said, "Narendra Modi is the BJP`s Prime Ministerial candidate and this decision is final. It will not be changed even after the elections." The party will come out with its first draft of the manifesto by December.
"Our position on building a grand Ram temple at Ayodhya is non-negotiable. We continue to maintain that a solution to the issue lies in the judicial process or by building a consensus through talks," Joshi said.