Farrukhabad: Union minister Salman Khurshid on Saturday said Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should follow the protocol and accept the official accommodation, vehicle and security provided to him. "Kejriwal should not desist from accepting the facilities provided to him as per the protocol," the External Affairs minister told reporters here.
The local MP wondered whether the Aam Aadmi Party chief will not accept security arrangements on foreign trips or when a foreign dignitary visits him.
Kejriwal today announced his decision not to take up the two five-bedroom duplex flats he has been alloted in Central Delhi.
The Union minister also termed as right the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh`s remark on Narendra Modi that his becoming the prime minister would be disastrous for the country.
"Modi should apologise to the country for Gujarat riots," Khurshid said.
Congress apologised for the riots in Delhi and Modi should do the same, he said.