Zee Media Bureau/Hemant Abhishek New Delhi: PM-designate Narendra Modi thanked Bollywood`s nightingale Lata Mangeshkar for her best wishes ahead of his swearing-in ceremony on Monday. The Prime Minister-designate`s message on his Twitter account read, “Thank you Lata Didi. As always, your greetings and best wishes inspire me deeply.” Alongwith it, he attached the congratulatory note that Mangeshkar had sent him. Modi also thanked people from all walks of life who will join him at the ceremony or watch him take oath on the telly.
Lata Mangeshkar had sent in a handwritten letter to Modi apologising for not being able to make it to his oath taking ceremony.
Lata, 84, said in her letter that even though she received Modi`s personal invitation to attend the ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan here, her health did not permit her to travel.
In the letter penned in Devanagari script, Mangeshkar mentioned that on the auspicious occasion she sent an idol of lord Ganesh as gift for Modi.