Ahmedabad: A two-member Commission set up by Gujarat government to inquire into the alleged snooping on a woman by police has issued summons to Ashish Khetan of Gulail.Com and asked him to file an affidavit by January 15 in connection with the release of audio tapes.
Two investigative news portals, Cobrapost.Com and Gulail.Com, had claimed on November 15 that former minister of state for Home in Gujarat government, Amit Shah had ordered illegal surveillance of a woman at the behest of one "Saheb".
They had released taped conversations between Shah and suspended IPS officer GL Singhal to support their claim, but said that its authenticity could not be confirmed.
"We have received summons from the Commission. We have been asked to file an affidavit before the Commission in connection with the release of tapes by January 15," Khetan said today.
"We will decide our action (to reply or not) later on," he further said. The Commission was set up by the state government on November 26 after it came under attack over alleged snooping on a woman by Gujarat police from not only Opposition parties but also from civil society organisations.
The Commission is headed by retired Gujarat High Court judge Sugnya K Bhatt and retired Additional Chief Secretary KC Kapoor and it has has been asked to submit its report within three months. The BJP has alleged conspiracy in the release of audio tapes just ahead of the 2014 polls to malign the name of their prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi and pointed figures towards CBI and the Congress.