Aligarh: A social organisation for minorities on Saturday demanded that the National Minorities Commission be granted constitutional status such as that enjoyed by the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Tribes. The All India Tanzeem-e-Insaaf (AITI) also demanded setting up of a central body for monitoring the performance of all social and economic welfare schemes for minorities in different states.
A resolution adopted at the AITI national executive meeting held here said presently less than 30 per cent of funds meant for the welfare of minorities was being utilised, a statement issued by the organisation said.
A charter of demands issued by AITI said in order to counter communal violence in the country, it was imperative that "a new law should be enacted to act as a stringent deterrent against such social crimes," AITI General Secretary Ayub Khan told reporters.
It also called upon political parties to draw up a revised national policy to tackle terrorism and all those who are acquitted by courts and if they were wrongly charged for being involved in such crimes should be rehabilitated by the state to help them lead normal life.
AITI also sought action against officials who are found guilty of "deliberately implicating" innocent persons in terrorism related cases.
It demanded implementation of the recommendations of the Sachar and Ranganath Mishra Committee reports.
Khan said the charter would be sent to all political parties to seek their response on the demands.
He alleged that different minority community outfits were treating their own community as a vote bank for pursuing their "selfish" agenda.
This "leadership crisis "was the main factor behind the present plight of the community," he asserted.