New Delhi: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat was admitted to AIIMS hospital in Delhi after his chopper hit turbulence on Friday. He suffered a neck fracture and minor back injury because of the rough emergency landing. The Congress leader somehow escaped the deadly accident and is now stable but he would not be discharged right now. Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan said in a statement that the plane must have hit clouds due to turbulence and Rawat`s belt was not tied so his head hit the roof. He further added that Rawat had endured a Cervical 1 fracture and a Cervical Collar has been applied to his neck but a doctor`s team will analyze today after the MRI whether he needs a surgery or not. Rawat was coming from Deharadun to Delhi when his helicopter ran into bad weather and they had to reportedly make a sudden landing at Ved Niketan Swargashram.