London: Notorious hacking group Anonymous, in their latest attack, hacked into the security of a web forum, and obtained private email addresses of UK police officers.
Members of the hacktivist group reportedly retrieved the personal email details of private and serving officers from a website, and emailed them directly. The security breach, which happened in a third-party web forum rather than official police computers, is being now investigated by the Metropolitan Police Central e-Crime unit, the Telegraph reports.
According to the paper, in a message addressed to “members of our U.K. police and armed forces”, Anonymous hackers told officers and servicemen to “stand with us” in an upcoming campaign.
“We call on you to do the right thing for once and stand with us, not against us, as we are doing this for YOUR benefit too. Under your uniform you are one of us and we are you. United we stand and can make this world a better place for all of us,” the message stated.
However, a spokesman insisted no Met Police systems had been compromised in the attack, the paper said.