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Few takers for 4G services yet: Study
According to an Ofcom report, just under a quarter of UK smartphone users do not want to sign up for 4G even when they are aware of the existence of the mobile data services, BBC reports.
According to an Ofcom report, just under a quarter of UK smartphone users do not want to sign up for 4G even when they are aware of the existence of the mobile data services, BBC reports.
Analysts believe that the reason could be because people are unsure of the benefits of the service and put off by the high tariffs.
Ofcom report stated that over half of all people in the UK own a smartphone and almost two thirds of them are unsure about upgrading, or are unlikely to upgrade in the coming year.
The report said that some users are unable to upgrade due to their current mobile contracts and they are waiting until it expires to avoid termination charges.
Research director at Gartner, Jessica Ekholm said that people will not become enthusiastic about 4G until they hold a handset and experience faster mobile internet speeds.
Ekholm said that 4G services are generally more expensive than 3G and consumer uptake will happen when 4G pricing comes down to 3G level.
Analyst at Ovum, Matthew Howett said that consumers and businesses will see the benefits of 4G in time and eventually all will be using 4G and added that it is like moving from dial-up to broadband, the report added.