The GPS-based smartphone game Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm ever since Nintendo, the world's largest video game company, came out with it.


The game has created a global frenzy with people flocking to try out the latest fad in the gaming world.

Even though, reports of the game causing various accidents have been doing the rounds, it is the last thing to stop Pokemon fans from playing it.

The game has everyone eating out of its hand, including, it appears, the armed forces. According to reports, Indonesia on Wednesday banned its armed forces and police personnel from playing Pokemon Go while on duty.

Warning signs have also been placed in the presidential palace in Jakarta, which read, "No playing or hunting Pokémon in the palace area", also banning the palace's personnel, EFE news reported.

"The palace is the President's office and it is not a playground," said Presidential Office press bureau chief Bey Machmuddin.

The game, which has become a global phenomena following its staggering success in the US and other countries, invites players to explore the length and breadth of the world in search of Pokemon in augmented reality.

(With IANS inputs)