Guwahati: Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Assam, three Bodo organisations have once again raised the statehood issue and demanded Centre clear its stand on the long-pending demands of the Bodos by tomorrow.


The All Bodo Students Union (ABSU), the National Democratic Front of Bodoland-Progressive (NDFB-P) militant group that favours negotiations, and Peoples Joint Action Committee for Bodoland Movement (PJACBM) were together in reiterating the demand for a separate Bodoland state.

"The Bodos have been agitating for many years for a separate state. Over 7,000 people have lost lives during the Bodo movement. Our demand is for a separate state under Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution," ABSU president Promod Boro said on Monday.

"We have seen the creation of new states of Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh in the past. During Congress government`s rule, Telengana was created. However, nothing has been done for a separate state for the Bodos," Promod Boro said.

NDFB-P general secretary Gobinda Basumatary said Bodo people were awaiting eagerly the Prime Minister`s visit.

"A Bodoland state was on the BJP election manifesto for the 2014 Lok Sabha polls. But nothing was done to fulfill the demand even as the party formed the government at the Centre," Basumatary said.

PJACBM convener Jebraram Moshahary said the civil society group hoped Modi would patiently consider the legitimate demand for a separate state.