Berhampur: People belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) under the banner of Ganjam District Dalit Samanwaya Samiti have launched a stir in Ganjam district demanding protection from alleged atrocities.


Seeking immediate action against miscreants who attacked dalits at Kamagada village on May 3 last, the samity members took out a rally here yesterday.

At least 16 houses belonging to the SC people were destroyed by the miscreants during a clash at the village.

While 11 houses were set afire, five other houses were destroyed, the samiti members alleged.

"We had earlier submitted a memorandum to the revenue divisional commissioner, southern division, demanding rehabilitation of the victims and arrest of the accused. While over two months have passed since the incident, the culprits are yet to be arrested. Similarly the victims are still to be rehabilitated", Rabi Nayak, one of the victim's, said.

Kamagada is not an isolated case.

The atrocities on dalits were reported from different parts of the district.

"We demand action against the culprits soon," said Anil Kumar Nayak, Convener of the Samiti.

He also opposed the eviction of the slum dwellers in Berhampur by the Berhampur Municipal Corporation without proper rehabilitation.

The samiti leaders submitted a memorandum containing their demands to the revenue divisional commissioner, southern division, after their rally here.