New Delhi: The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has applauded the measures ordered by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to check the rising level of air pollution in Delhi.


The advocacy organisation also appealed for more stringent measures to bring down the severe peak pollution levels in the city.

"While this is a step forward in the right direction, a periodic assessment of the effectiveness of the action plan is needed to ensure peak pollution levels during winter are brought down and the clean air target is met," said Anumita Roychowdhury, executive director for research and advocacy at CSE.

"That may require additional and more stringent measures. The ambit of the action plan should also be expanded to the entire national capital region (NCR) of Delhi for effective impact," she said.

According to a release by the CSE, the NGT would need to ensure effective compliance and enforcement of its 14-point action agenda that includes pre-existing measures regulated by the Delhi government.

The NGT banned all vehicles over 15 years and ordered community surveillance of violation of pollution laws along with requiring the Delhi Transport Corporation buses to be checked for violation of emissions norms.

It also prohibited parking on carriageway or tar road and ordered for air purifiers in market places, while banning burning of plastic.