Shimla: A Himachal Pradesh researcher, in his book published by Cambridge International Science Publishing, has picked holes in Newton`s laws.
The 340-page book `Beyond Newton and Archimedes`, written by Ajay Sharma, assistant director (education) with the state government, says Newton did not discover the second law of motion (Fma). The second law of motion is an equation which relates mass and acceleration.
"It is clear from the critical study of Newton`s `Principia`, Book I, dated May 8, 1686. Nobody knows who has given Fma," says the book, priced $80 or Rs.5,200. "The school level textbooks of 220 countries need to be re-structured, as coming generations have right to know the truth about law of motion," Sharma told IANS.

On Newton`s second law of motion, the book says: Consider a boy is standing at distance of 10 metres from the wall.
Boy holds a rubber ball and cloth ball in his hands.
Firstly, the boy throws rubber ball with force 2N (Newton) on the wall. The rubber ball after striking the wall rebounds to 10 metres. Thus, action and reaction are equal in this case.
Secondly, the boy throws cloth ball with an equal 2N force on the wall. The cloth ball rebounds to five metres. Thus action and reaction are not equal.
"Thus to every action there is opposite reaction but it may or may not be equal to action," says the 10th chapter of Sharma`s book.
"The book was reviewed by experts of the Cambridge University for more than seven months before it sent for printing," said 50-year-old Sharma, who is working on the basic laws for the past 31 years.
Its first edition was printed Oct 28.
"We are trying to get the book registered in Guinness Book of World Records and Limca Book of World Records, as it is the first book which generalises 2,265 years old Archimedes principle and 330 years old Newton`s laws," he added.