Kathmandu: Nepal`s President Ram Baran Yadav has been advised to go abroad for medical checkups after tests showed some abnormalities in his large intestine.

Yadav, 65, will probably be flown to Japan within a couple of days for further diagnosis and treatment, President`s press advisor Rajendra Dahal said. He added that there is no other complication in Yadav`s health. According to Dr. Shashi Sharma, who has been attending to Yadav, a CT-Scan test yesterday showed some problems in the large intestine of the president.

Health Minister Bidhyadhar Mallik said they are already in touch with a Japanese hospital and Yadav will be flown there soon. Yadav was elected in July 2008 as the country`s first President after the the abolition of 240 years of monarchy. He has previously served as Minister of Health and has been the General Secretary of the Nepali Congress party.