London: Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, who recently spent 6 months on the International Space Station (ISS), has revealed more unusual aspects of life in space.

In his new book, `An Astronaut`s Guide To Life On Earth,` the 54-year-old has shared more peculiar details from his days as an astronaut. He said that the clothes don`t cling to your body, and instead, float around you, so the laundry days are less.
Hadfield said that a pair of socks lasts a week, a shirt is good enough for two weeks, and shorts and long pants can be worn for a month.
He said that sleeping is a real pleasure in space because of the lack of gravity. Hadfield said that while sleeping an astronaut feels as if they`re resting on a cloud, perfectly supported, because of which there`s no tossing and turning to find a more comfortable position.
He said that an astronaut could even pee upside down in the space.