Amethi: Hoardings against AAP leaders including Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal have sprouted across Amethi ahead of the party`s `Jan Vishwas` rally on Sunday, prompting it to demand additional security. Posters and hoardings have been put up by Rashtriya Rashtravadi Party at several places accusing the top three leaders of Aam Admi Party -- Kejriwal, Manish Sisodiya and Kumar Vishwas -- of being "anti-national". Local district convenor of AAP, Hanuman Singh along with 20 others on Saturday met district magistrate Jagatraj Tewari to demand additional security for the rally at the Ramlila Ground which would be addressed by Vishwas, expected to contest on the seat against Congress sitting MP, Rahul Gandhi. In its memorandum, AAP expressed its apprehension that some political parties might try to disrupt the rally and violate peace and order. On contacting Rashtriya Rashtravadi Party chief Prakash Chandra, he alleged that the body of AAP worker Santosh Koli in Noida was wrapped in the Indian tricolour on August 7 last year which amounts to showing disrespect to the national flag. He added that a petition against it has also been filed in the Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court. Chandra said that his party would oppose all those responsible for such an "anti-national" act and indicated that tomorrow`s rally would also be opposed.