Brussels: Belgian authorities on Monday lowered the level of terrorism-related security alert in capital Brussels.


Belgian news agency Belga quoted officials from the Coordinating Body for Threat Analysis as saying that the terror alert was reduced from level three to two, EFE news reported.

The alerts were issued following the terror attacks in Paris on November 13 that killed 130 people.

Belgian authorities on December 28, 2015, raised the alert level to three amid the real threat of attacks at the Grand Place in Brussels and at the police headquarters in the Belgian capital.

The streets of Brussels were on level-three alert, out of a scale of four levels, which means a military presence on the streets.

Belgian federal prosecution announced late December that a security operation was carried out in the capital, and resulted in several arrests that foiled attacks during the New Year celebrations in Brussels.

Despite these arrests, the Belgian capital preferred to suspend the traditional fireworks and public New Year`s Eve celebrations as a precautionary measure.