Rio de Janeiro: Brazil`s Tourism Minister Vinicius Lages reaffirmed that the country is ready to receive tourists who are expected to arrive in huge numbers in the coming days for the FIFA World Cup.
Lages said Friday that Brazil can receive the tourists in a satisfactory manner despite some shortcomings which have been brought to light over the past few days, such as airports not being fully ready, reports Xinhua. 
The Brasilia International Airport had leaks after a storm earlier this week and in some airports renovations are not fully completed. o get to a stadium because of a protest should call the hotlines set up to aid tourists or the closest precinct."Unfortunately we have some unfinished urban mobility, airports and infrastructure projects, but that will not get in the way of the World Cup. Brazil has never had such a good and large infrastructure as it has nowadays and the country is ready to receive tourists," the minister said in a radio show.
In relation to the possibility of protests amid the tournament, Lages said any tourists who find themselves unable t He said, "We will always be available to help tourists find an alternative route."
The tourism ministry expects 600,000 foreign tourists to come to Brazil during the Cup and three million Brazilians to travel in the country to watch the matches.