Bujumbura: Police in Burundi were out in force in the capital on Wednesday to block all attempts by protestors to take to the streets, witnesses said, two days before a scheduled parliamentary election.


After a night punctuated by sporadic gunshots, security forces were deployed throughout Bujumbura, which has seen more than a month of protests against President Pierre Nkurunziza`s controversial bid to stand for a third consecutive term.

The slightest sign of a group gathering was met with automatic weapons fire and the use of tear gas.

Nkurunziza hopes to win a third term in a presidential vote due on June 26, but opponents say his candidacy is unconstitutional and goes against the 2006 Arusha peace deal that ended 13 years of civil war.

Burundi`s electoral commission is meanwhile considering whether to hold the parliamentary vote on schedule on Friday.

Nkurunziza survived a coup attempt last month and has since ignored international pressure, including aid cuts, aimed at forcing him to withdraw, or at least delay the vote.