Beijing: China has voiced its grave concern and strong dissatisfaction over Japan's decision to host former Taiwan leader Lee Teng-hui, saying he is a "splittist" who opposes integration of Taiwan with mainland.


"Lee Teng-hui is a stubborn Taiwan splittist," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said in a statement yesterday.

Despite stern representations from China, Japan assisted Lee's visit and his involvement in Taiwan separatist activities, said Lu.

The Taiwan issue concerns the core interest of China, he said, adding China is resolutely opposed to any individual trying to engage in Taiwan separatist activities in any form.

China firmly opposes the practise of any country providing a political platform for the Taiwan splittist, he said.

China considers Taiwan as part of the mainland and currently Beijing and Taipei are making efforts to bring about a political rapprochement.

"We urge the Japanese side to abide by the principles enshrined in the four political documents signed by China and Japan, including the China-Japan Joint Statement, and fulfil its solemn commitments to China," Lu said.

He urged Japan to stick to the One-China policy and deal with Taiwan-related issues in a prudent and appropriate manner and refrain from creating a new political barrier for China and Japan.

Lee Teng-hui, former Taiwan leader and Kuomintang Chairman, is a proponent of "Taiwan independence". He served as the island's leader from 1988 to 2000.

Spokesman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office of the Chinese government, Ma Xiaoguang said, "We strongly oppose any country providing a stage for 'Taiwan independence' activities and take strong umbrage at Japan allowing Lee to visit."

Ma noted that Lee's public remarks to romanticise Japan's colonial rule in Taiwan and claim that the disputed Islands in the east china sea belong to Japan are condemned by both sides of the

Taiwan Strait. Japan calls the islands Senkakus while China terms them as Diaoyu islands.

"Lee's contemptible acts have made compatriots from both sides see more clearly the extreme harms 'Taiwan independence' forces do to the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and the integral benefit of the Chinese nation, and will surely be scorned by compatriots from both sides," Ma added.