Washington: Bernie Sanders and John Kasich, the Democratic and Republican candidates have received a "key endorsement" from "Deez Nuts", a 15-year-old boy who grabbed headlines in the run up to the US presidential polls and gave stiff fight to frontrunners Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


Deez Nuts, whose real name is Brady Olson, of Iowa, filed with the Federal Elections Commission in July to run for president of the United States -- announced on Facebook that he supports Sanders and Kasich for the Democratic and Republican nominations, respectively.

"Just gonna throw this out there now. This is not for the general election. My endorsement for the Democratic nomination goes to Vermont senator Bernie Sanders," read a post on the Facebook page "Deez Nuts for President 2016."

"This is not for the general election, I endorse myself for the GE. For the Republican nomination, my endorsement goes to Ohio governor John Kasich," another post says.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Olson wrote that he did not want to "see Clinton, Bush, or Trump in the White House, so I guess I'm just trying to put up a fight."

Not surprisingly, Olson, who registered as an independent presidential candidate, remains his own choice for the general election, even if he is well short of the minimum age requirement of 35 to become President.

According to a Public Policy Polling survey last week, Nuts had won 9 per cent of the vote as an independent in North Carolina on top of recent results of 8 per cent in Minnesota and 7 per cent in Iowa from previous polls.

The results made Nuts the most successful independent candidate for president in two decades.

Google search interest in "Deez Nuts" has surpassed interest in the term "Hillary Clinton," Google reported on Friday, and he has held his own against both Clinton and Trump on the search engine as well.

Meanwhile, Nuts has been "organising" across the nation, creating Facebook pages for each state.