Washington:  Donald Trump Monday said that rival Hillary Clinton's comment calling half of his supporters "deplorables" was the "single biggest mistake" of this political season.


Trump, 70, said he was "shocked and alarmed" by the remarks of the former secretary of state who said last week that more than half of Trump's supporters a "basket of deplorable, racists, homophobic and xenophobic".

"I was deeply shocked and alarmed this Friday to hear my opponent attack, slander, smear and demean these wonderful, amazing people who are supporting our campaign," Trump said, reacting to such remarks by Clinton last week.

He demanded that Clinton apologise and retract her comment.

"The disdain that Hillary Clinton expressed towards millions of decent Americans disqualifies her from public service. You cannot run for President if you have such contempt in your heart for the American voter. You can't lead this nation if you have such a low opinion of its citizens," he said at an event in Baltimore.

"I think it's the single biggest mistake of the political season," he said.

Democrat Clinton and Trump face each other in the November 8 general elections that would elect the 45th US president.

According to several polls, Clinton currently leads Trump, but the gap is tightening rapidly.

The 68-year-old Clinton had sparked an uproar at a fundraiser when she described Trump's supporters as "deplorables" who were driven by "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic" sentiments.

Yesterday, she expressed regret.

At an event in Baltimore, Trump said his supporters comes from every part of America, and every walk of life.

"We have the support of cops and soldiers, carpenters and welders, the young and the old, and millions of working class families who just want a better future," he said.

"These were the people Hillary Clinton so viciously demonised. These were among the countless Americans that Hillary Clinton called deplorable, irredeemable and un-American. She called these patriotic men and women every vile name in the book ? she called them racist, sexist, xenophobic, and Islamaphobic," he said.

Claiming that Clinton is an insider, supported by powerful insiders, attacking Americans who have no political power, he said the Democratic presidential nominee spoke with hatred and derision for the people who make this country run.

"She spoke with contempt for the people who thanklessly follow the rules, pay their taxes, and scratch out a living for their families," he said.