Las Vegas: Boos from the crowd inside the presidential debate hall are befuddling Donald Trump, who has said he wants to kill the families of terrorists and close parts of the Internet in places such as Iraq and Syria where the Islamic State exists. He says he doesn’t understand why the crowd would object to infiltrating terrorists’ conversations.


He tells the crowd “these are people that want to kill us folks.” Trump’s reaction comes after Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul reminded debate watchers that closing the Internet would require getting rid of the First Amendment and killing the families of terrorists would defy the Geneva Conventions.

Trump replies with a rhetorical question: “So they can kill us, but we can’t kill them?”

Donald Trump says he wants to keep members of the Islamic State from using the Internet to recruit American fighters. He says the government must work with “brilliant people” in Silicon Valley to keep IS fighters offline, even if it means shutting down parts of the Internet. 

Trump is also calling out members of the media to stop calling IS fighters “masterminds” because, in reality, they are thugs and terrible people. He says, “We should be able to penetrate the Internet and find out exactly where ISIS is.”