Cairo: At least 15 fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), were killed on Saturday in two Islamic State (IS) attacks in Aleppo and al-Raqqa in Syria.


British NGO, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), said that eight fighters from the Arab-Kurdish armed alliance were killed during an IS attack with explosives in Om al-Amd area on the northern outskirts of Aleppo, Efe news agency reported.

After the attack, clashes between both sides erupted in the area.

Another seven SDF fighters were killed during combats in the Khenez area, north of al-Raqqa, where IS jihadists launched a counter-attack after losing territory.

The SDF launched the 'Wrath of Euphrates' Operation last Sunday to expel IS from al-Raqqa, the remaining Jihadist bastion in Syria.