Washington: The British lawyer representing Saif al-Islam Gaddafi has urged the British government to prevent his client from facing trial in Libya, amid fears that he will be subjected to a `show trial` and immediately sentenced to death.

According to The Sky News, John Jones QC said that it`s a moral and legal obligation on the UK to intervene in Libya`s continuous denial to hand over his client to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to face charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Gaddafi was captured in 2011 by the Zintan militia while trying to cross into Niger just a month after his father Colonel Gaddafi was captured and killed. ICC has also raised concerns about the ability of the Libyan authorities to hold the trial and the charges that they plan to present against Saif al-Islam.

However, the Libyan Government has been struggling to exert its influence over large parts of the country and has not been able to transfer him without the permission of Zintan`s militia leaders.