District of Columbia: Hillary Clinton said Saturday she raised a record $154 million in September in her race for the White House against Donald Trump.


In August, Clinton raised $143 million and Trump $90 million. It is common for campaign donations to increase as the election approaches. This year the voting is on November 8.

The money is in fact divided between Clinton`s campaign and the Democratic Party.

Individual Americans can donate up to $2,700 to a candidate in a general election. Anything beyond $2,700 has to go to committees other than that of the candidate. 

Clinton and her Democratic allies begin the month of October with a war chest of $150 million to blitz TV, radio and the internet with ads.

More than 900,000 people made a donation in September and 2.6 million have done so since the beginning of the race, the Clinton campaign said.

The Trump campaign has not yet released a figure for September.

Clinton relies more than Trump on elite private fundraising events in which a single ticket can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Trump said in early September that he has contributed nearly $60 million of his own money to his campaign for the White House.

Small donations -- practically unheard of during the primary campaign -- shot up for Trump, totaling 2.1 million people from June to August.

In the 24 hours right after last week`s big debate with Clinton, Trump said he received $18 in donations.