London: An Iranian lawmaker has said that children, donkeys and women don't belong in parliament, drawing sharp criticism from various section of the society.


Nader Qazipour's appalling remarks were caught on camera.

He was filmed speaking at a rally after winning re-election as a member of parliament for the city of Urmia, The Independent reported.

He said parliament is a place where "only men belong".

"It was not easy for us to build this country, so we will not give it away easily to any little boy or fox,” Qazipour reportedly said.

"The Iranian parliament is no place for children or donkeys. The Iranian parliament is no place for women. It is a place where only men belong.

"If you send women to parliament members, they will face catastrophes and your honor will be violated," he was quoted as saying.

Qazipour has later apologised for his derogatory remarks.