Tokyo:Japan on Monday said it will work with the new Indian government to further deepen political and economic ties amid reports here that talks were underway for Narendra Modi to visit the country as Prime Minister. "We would like to extend our sincere congratulations," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a press conference in reference to BJP`s victory in the general election. ` Stressing that the premier-elect is "very friendly toward Japan", Suga said, "We expect to further deepen our political and economic relations" with India. He refused to comment on media reports about Modi`s possible visit to Japan for a summit with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Modi`s Bharatiya Janata Party is in talks with Japanese officials over a possible trip to Tokyo, diplomatic sources were quoted as saying by Kyodo News on Saturday. Negotiations are underway between the two countries for a potential civil nuclear accord that would enable Japanese manufacturers to export reactors to India. Abe aims to increase the shipment of large infrastructure, including rapid train systems, to emerging economies, the Kyodo news agency reported. Japan and India are committed to strengthening their maritime security cooperation, apparently in the wake of China`s increasing assertiveness.
Abe visited India in January and held talks with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.