Washington: Bernie Sanders' decision to support Hillary Clinton contradicts his stand on issues like H1B visas for highly-skilled workers, and is an example of America's rigged system, one of Donald Trump's senior policy advisers said today.


"The candidate who wants to reform H1-B visas is endorsing the candidate who supported lifting the caps on H1-B visas," Stephen Miller, Senior Policy Advisor of the Trump Campaign said in a statement after Sanders endorsed Clinton as the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party.

"Bernie's endorsement becomes Exhibit A in our rigged system - the Democrat Party is disenfranchising its voters to benefit the select and privileged few," Miller said.

"The candidate who wants less war is endorsing the candidate who launched wars in Iraq and Libya and would lead us to a new war in Syria. The candidate who wants to get money out of politics is voting for the candidate who has made a career out of making money from politics," he said in a statement.

A day earlier in an interview to Vox, Clinton said she expressed concern over IT workers being displaced and being asked to train people.

"The many stories of people training their replacements from some foreign country are heartbreaking," she told Vox.

"I want to see companies have to do more to employ already qualified Americans," she said.