Washington: In a boost to Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State (IS) militants in Kobane, the US on Monday dropped key supplies including weapons, ammunitions and medical aid.


The US military aircraft took several trips to the area to drop off the supplies in a move which could anger its ally Turkey, according to a BBC news report.

The US had been carrying out several air strikes against the IS militants in Kobane to push them back.

American-led warplanes launched 11 air strikes near Kobane over the weekend, US Central Command said, helping Kurdish fighters repulse a new IS attempt to cut their supply lines from Turkey.

Kobane`s Kurdish defenders have been under IS assault for more than a month. 

It has become a key prize as it is being fought under the gaze of the world media massed just across the border in Turkey.

Coalition air strikes near Kobane hit 20 IS fighting positions, five IS vehicles and two IS-held buildings, said Central Command.

So far, US forces have conducted more than 135 airstrikes against IS in Kobane alone.With the fighting raging, the corpses of at least 70 jihadists were brought over the past four days into an IS-controlled mortuary in the town of Tal Abyad further east, said the Observatory. 

The US military has said it sees "encouraging" signs in the battle for Kobane, but has warned the town may still fall.

(With AFP Input)